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Backbone of Manpower Support

Volunteer Management System (VOMS) is an integrated System that organizes and manages the Volunteers of the Agency. It is the primary repository of the personal information and database of Volunteers and Staff that form the backbone of manpower support during disasters. 

They give freely of their time to help in every aspect of Disaster Response & Management. It is done by people with a desire to do good. Volunteers augment and increase the manpower force of the DRRM Office. They are the ‘Force Multipliers!’.

Volunteers may be from the Agency itself but it may include Volunteers from other Cities, Organizations, National Government Agencies, and from the Military who commit themselves TO SERVE during Emergencies & Disasters, either individually or as a Group or Organization.

Volunteers are processed and accepted based on their expertise, the equipment they have for certain emergencies, their health situation, and other criteria that shall be established by the Agency.


  1. Firefighter Volunteers
  2.  Search & Rescue Team Volunteers
  3.  Retrieval Operations Volunteers
  4.  Transport Coordinator Volunteers
  5. Logistic Provider Volunteers

6. Medical Team Volunteers:

  •  First Aid
  •  Fire Burn Experts
  •  Trauma Experts
  •  Psychologists for Counseling

7. And Others

Intensive Training and Thorough Development of Volunteers

The Volunteer Management System (VoMS) tracks and monitors the attendance of the Volunteers to the required “MUST” training for a particular competency and classification. These Training may be given by the City, National Government Agencies, or even by Foreign Governments. VoMS announces this Training information to the Volunteers through the NOTIFICATION module using automatic SMS and EMAIL and through the Volunteer Self-Service (VSS), a web system exclusively for Volunteers or those planning to volunteer using the Internet for communications to the Agency.

Track Volunteers Health Record

The Volunteer Management System tracks and monitors the health and wellness of Volunteers. The DOCTOR’s MEDICAL CLINIC software component is given to the Doctors providing the Medical consultation and examination of the Volunteers.

The DOCTOR’s MEDICAL CLINIC  Software Application is linked to the  Volunteer Management System – meaning that the Health Findings of the Doctors are recorded directly to the Health Record of the Volunteer in the VoMS through the Internet. Volunteers may be given their ELECTRONIC MEDICAL RECORD (EMR) through the WEB from their DOCTOR’s MEDICAL CLINIC  Record. This is subject to the policy of the Agency. The DOCTOR’s MEDICAL CLINIC  Software Application may be used by the Consultant-Doctor’s in their own medical practice for their other patients.

Provides Dedicated Web-Portal for Volunteers

The VSS is a web portal for Volunteers for ON-LINE to access their:

  1. Volunteer Records without going to the Agency.
  2. To register for Trainings or Programs or Meetings announced by the Agency.
  3. To communicate between the Agency and the Volunteers using the Internet.

SOS City- a mobile app for Volunteer Reporting

SOS City is an easy-to-use app that will allow the Citizen-Volunteers to participate in the City’s Disaster Management effort. Citizen-Volunteers can send reports directly to the Emergency Operation Center (EOC) on any incident (Fire, Vehicular Accident, Flood, etc.) in their area via SMS or mobile phone.

SOS City is used by Citizen-Volunteers to report incidents, such as:

  • Disasters
  • Crime
  • Accidents
  • Medical Emergencies
  • Damaged Infrastructure

SOS City aims to help the City in providing reliable, efficient, and fast incident reporting.

It also provides the Volunteer with a personal “PANIC BUTTON” that can be activated during emergency situations and alerts the EOC to track the Volunteer’s location in real-time and provide whatever assistance is required.

The Emergency button automatically dials and connects to the City’s Emergency Hotline for fast incident reporting.

SOS Incident Reporting includes:

  1. Attaching of photo helps the responders to verify and assess the incident.
  2. Uses Global Positioning System (GPS) to locate the incident.
  3. Fast Reporting of the Incident.