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SOS CITY for Citizen-Volunteer Emergency Reporting

SOS City is an easy-to-use app that will allow the Citizen-Volunteers to participate in the City’s Disaster Management effort. Citizen-Volunteers can send reports directly to the Emergency Operation Center (EOC) on any incident (Fire, Vehicular Accident, Flood, etc.) in their area via SMS or mobile phone.SOS City is used by Citizen-Volunteers to report incidents, such as:

  • Disasters
  • Crime
  • Accidents
  • Medical Emergencies

SOS City can also be used by the Citizen-Volunteer in reporting damage infrastructure such as the following:

  1. Bridges
  2. Buildings
  3. Fleet/ Transport Equipment
  4. Parks
  5. Portable Water
  6. Recycled Water
  7. Roads
  8. Sanitary Sewer Water
  1. Sensors
  2. Signals
  3. Signage
  4. Storm Drains
  5. Streetlights
  6. Traffic Right of Way
  7. Transportation
  8. Weather Station

SOS City aims to help the City in providing reliable, efficient, and fast incident reporting.

It also provides the Volunteer with a personal “PANIC BUTTON” that can be activated during emergency situations and alerts the EOC to track the Volunteer’s location in real-time and provide whatever assistance is required.

The Emergency button automatically dials and connects to the City’s Emergency Hotline for fast incident reporting.

SOS Incident Reporting includes:

  1. Attaching of photo helps the responders to verify and assess the incident.
  2. Uses Global Positioning System (GPS) to locate the incident.
  3. Fast Reporting of the Incident.

SOS City Trademark and Process is Copyright Registered with the National Library of the Philippines. Registration No. N2016-206 on September 30, 2016.


VitalFORCE is a mobile app used for Field Survey to digitally capture the names of persons or families in areas hit by disasters so that aid and relief can be given directly to those victims that have really been affected.

Data can be transmitted to the Emergency Operations Center through the Internet or downloaded to the RESIDENTS REGISTRY SYSTEM in the EOC. 

The VitalFORCE mobile survey can also be used proactively to build the household profile of Constituents particularly for those living in Hazard Areas. The socio-economic data of a family or household can also provide the City with data to meet its Millennium targets such as poverty alleviation, reduction of maternal deaths, and other socio-economic targets.

VitalFORCE is used to identify residents that were affected by Natural Calamities by :

  1. Declaring property damage in a particular household
  2. Declaring Estimated Cost of Damages to a particular household
  3. Declaring number of Injured, Missing or Dead Persons per household

Republic Act 10121Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010 Sec 12.c “The Provincial, City, and Municipal DRRMOs or BDRRMCs shall perform the following functions with impartiality given the emerging challenges brought by disasters of our times: Maintain a database of human resource, equipment, directories, and location of critical infrastructures and their capacities such as hospitals and evacuation centers.”

VitalFORCE Trademark and Process is Copyright Registered with the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines Registration No. 4/2018/00007747 on May 08, 2018.


RapidA is a mobile app designed for rapid assessment of a Building’s structural integrity during Emergencies (Earthquakes, Fires, Accidents, etc.). “Rapid Visual Screening“ (RVS) designed by professional Building Inspectors for Citizen-Volunteers trained by the Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (DRRMO) to provide a “Sidewalk Survey” of a Building’s condition immediately after an Earthquake or an emergency to identify hazardous buildings.

Buildings identified by this procedure as potentially hazardous must be analyzed in more detail by a professional Seismic Engineer.

The RVS structural audit is based on the “multi-hazard vulnerability” of public infrastructures of the FEMA, USA risk assessment criteria and adapted for the Philippines’ requirement for Seismic Risk Assessment.

The RVS Audit will also enable the Local Government to identify and assess the vulnerability of Old Buildings in the City.

RapidA mobile app provides field information to the Building Permit Administration System (BPAS) as part of the Buildings Official’s Inspection function.

RapidA Trademark and Process is Copyright Registered with the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines Registration No. 4/2018/00007749 on May 08, 2018.


Whizard EMT mobile app is designed for use in the field by Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) in the Ambulance team.

The Whizard EMTcan be used for Emergency Patient’s Assessment in Two (2) Modes:

  1. Pre-Hospital Assessment (PHA)
  2. Simple Triage And Rapid Treatment (S.T.A.R.T.) for “Mass Casualty Incidents” (MCI).

The app allows the EMT to communicate with their Medical Director directly or through the Emergency Operation Center with voice recording and archiving.

It provides FAST ASSESSMENT of emergency Victims/Patients in the field to enable Hospital Emergency (ER) Staff to prepare, in advance, all the necessary medical equipment and care & treatment for the Victims/Patients. This advanced preparation by the Hospital Emergency Staff will save more lives in the process.

The Whizard EMT contains all the necessary standard medical requirements for Patient assessment and two (2) standard types of “Run Report” format are available. The “Run Report” is configured to any Hospital’s medical record requirement. The Whizard EMT will work in conjunction with the Hospital’s Emergency Room (ER) operations.

The Whizard EMT “Run Report”, including the List of Incoming Emergency Patients, will be transmitted through the Internet to the Triage Nurse’s Workstation or through “Bluetooth” upon arrival of the Ambulance at the ER.

Whizard EMT Trademark and Process is Copyright Registered with the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines Registration No. 4/2018/00007748 on May 08, 2018.